Saturday, 23 August 2014


In 2013 make your body often sick and exhausted? Well, do not be repeated again with the next year. Who knows next year a lot of opportunities that come to you.
If there is a lot of opportunity, then the body and mind to be ready dong. Well, leave old habits and make health resolutions in the coming year. Confused where to start? We have some recommendations.

More Diligent Drinking Water
The first is most easily done is to consume water. Fluid without refreshing taste but this can make your body always fit. If you usually only drink 4-5 glasses, now trying to be 8-10 glasses per day. Especially if you are an active person and often eat various types of food.

Fruit and Vegetable Servings 5-9
Animal protein and carbohydrates can indeed be power, but you need a lot more vegetables and fruits are natural. In addition to making your metabolism smoothly, for those who are on a diet, fruits and vegetables can greatly help the success of your slimming program and lowering cholesterol levels.

Sports 2-3 times a week
Exercise can make you tired, but also take care of your body. Meanwhile, if you are sedentary, your body will be tormented and easy sickly. Do exercise as varied as yoga, jogging, gymnastics and so on. Diligent exercise can keep the body's defenses.

No Soda
Easy, no fizzy drinks in your menu. Stop drinking soda is very good to fight obesity and prevent bone loss. It is also very good for the kidneys and liver.

Reduce Fried
Yes, it is delicious fried. But a lot of fried food consumption seem to accumulate fat and cholesterol in your body. Try more consumption of fresh foods, stir-fried, boiled or steamed.

Regular sleep
Do not want to stress hit? Began to set the hours of activity and rest you. Do not subtract sleeping time just to stay up less necessary. During working hours or activities, do optimally, so when you have time for a break.
Do some of these resolutions and forward yourself a much healthier in the coming year.Happy new year.


There's a saying 'eat breakfast like a king'. It is a phrase that we always have breakfast and do not miss it. Breakfast provides nutrients for our bodies so that we get enough energy for our daily routines.But few of us would choose to not breakfast for several reasons. Diet is the main reason a person is not breakfast. But did you know that breakfast gives us many advantages? Here it is profit to be had someone if their breakfast as reported by

Improve Blood Pressure
If you have a problem that decreases blood pressure, breakfast is the key. With breakfast, you can increase the blood pressure became normal so do not feel weak or pale.

Reduce Heart Attack
When your body gets enough nutrients, your organs will work well and maintained his health.Breakfast is keeping your heart healthy to get the nutrients.

Improve Alertness
If you skip breakfast, then you will feel sluggish and sleepy. Breakfast gives you the nutrients that make you 'wake up' and ready to start your day.

Can Lose Weight
Breakfast has indeed been shown to lower your weight. Try to have breakfast with oats mixed fruit. Food is very important in helping you lose weight.

Lowered Risk of Diabetes
Skipping breakfast will raise your blood sugar quickly.Therefore, to avoid this, do not miss your breakfast ladies.
Here are some things that make you have breakfast ladies. All that to maintain the health of your body. What do you think about this?