Wednesday, 8 October 2014



Baby dumping is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. There are many ways to prevent baby dumping as it is an irresponsible did. Steps must be taken for unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis and increase communication within families and communities

Places for Pregnant Teens
There are several places that helps to educate and gives needed services to married or unmarried teens who are pregnant and rape victims at a young age. Education on how to handle the situation and procedure of taking care of their babies are provided. The existing places for these teens include Sekolah Harapan, Baitul Ehsan, Baitul Islah.
Baby dumping is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. There are many ways to prevent baby dumping as it is an irresponsible did. Steps must be taken for unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis and increase communication within families and communities.

To raise awareness of this issue to the public. One of the campaign's focus is "Kami Prihatin". It was launched on 23rd March 2010 and activities were organized to promote child protection policy, producing a documentary and publishing community awareness advertisements in Utusan Malaysia.

Sexuality Education
We supports age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education and recommends that schools and communities provide comprehensive sexuality education to all youth and families.

Causes & Effects
To know what the causes and effects of baby dumping are the precautions that we should take to prevent baby dumping. To know the consequences of unsafe sex and the risk of having unwanted pregnancy.

The Other Ways
Prevention programs towards the regions and categories of population with increased risks of dumping and setting up a coherent reporting and monitoring system as regards the dumping and the risk of abandonment.
Standardizing the written forms and the procedures of registering women which get admitted in maternities in order to give birth and elaborating procedures for keeping records of mothers and children without identity papers and creating a database on this

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