Saturday, 27 September 2014

Tips to avoid diabetes


Keeping your diabetes under control will help you prevent heart, nerve, and foot problems. Here's what you can do right now.

Moving toward a healthy weight helps control blood sugars. Your doctor, a dietitian, and a fitness trainer can get you started on a plan that will work for you.

Is it in the range advised by your doctor? Also, write it down so you can track your progress and note how food and activity affect your levels.

 To find out your average blood sugar for the past 2 to 3 months. Most people with type 2 diabetes should aim for an A1c of 7% or lower. Ask your doctor how often you need to get an A1c test.

Know how many carbs you’re eating and how often you have them. Managing your carbs can help keep your blood sugar under control. Choose high-fiber carbs, such as green vegetables, fruit, beans, and whole grains.

Cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Diabetes makes heart disease more likely, so keep a close eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol. Talk with your doctor about keeping your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure in check. Take medications as prescribed.

Regular exercise can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also cuts stress and helps control blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Get at least 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise 5 days a week. Try walking, dancing, low-impact aerobics, swimming, tennis, or a stationary bike. Start out more slowly if you aren't active now. You can break up the 30 minutes -- say, by taking a 10-minute walk after every meal. Include strength training and stretching on some days, too.

When you’re sleep-deprived, you tend to eat more, and you can put on weight, which leads to health problems. People with diabetes who get enough sleep often have healthier eating habits and improved blood sugar levels.
8 Manage stress. Stress and diabetes don't mix. Excess stress can elevate blood sugar levels. But you can find relief by sitting quietly for 15 minutes, meditating, or practicing yoga.

Get a complete checkup at least once a year, though you may talk to your doctor more often. At your annual physical, make sure you get a dilated eye exam, blood pressure check, foot exam, and screenings for other complications such as kidney damage, nerve damage, and heart disease.

How to Improve Our Lifestyle

What do you mean by lifestyle ? Lifestyle is a way of living individuals, families and socities which they manifest in coping with their physical psyhological, social and economic environments on a day to day basis.

So now, there's a topic which is about  how to improve your lifestyle. As we all know, peole can improve their lifstyle by their own way. There are some steps how we improve our lifestyle, thats helps your busy and stressfull lifestyle. Using some steps, you can get a better life and rid of your tension and worries. Might be it never changed your current situation and make you free from your troubles but you an handle it in a proper way and take appropriate decisions. I'm sure for one thing, " In today's world people needs to improve their lifestyle ".

STEP 1 - Wake Up Early.
This is the first and most important step that can help you change your mood. Just decide the time and set your alarm clock for early morning. Try to wake up at 06:00 AM or 06:30 AM and see the atmosphere at outside of your house. Enjoy the nature & watch the sunrise. 


STEP 2 - Drink 2 Glassess of Warm Water.
 After getting up & brushing your teeth, just drink 2 glasses of warm water. It helps improve digestive system. It has been proven scientifically.

Improve Your Lifestyle Step 2.jpg

 STEP 3 - Go for a Walk or Jog
 In the morning, spare 30-40 minutes for walking or jogging. You can also do light exercises. It burns calories and increase the neurochemical (endorphins) in the brain, and that naturally helps to reduce you stress level. 

 Improve Your Lifestyle Step 3.jpg

STEP 4- Take A Heavy Breakfast.
Eat a healthy & heavy breakfast such as Fruits, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Fruit-juice, Salads, Wheat Roti or Paratha. A heavy breakfast gives you more energy in the morning that stays for whole day.

Improve Your Lifestyle Step 4.jpg 

STEP 5- Believe in yourself.
Just try to find a solution for each problem. In the beginning, it might be that you are unable to get the perfect solution but this improves your confidence, which is the most important thing to take your decisions. Humans have limitations. 
Improve Your Lifestyle Step 6.jpg

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

5 Things To Do Today To Feel Better

We all have those days … days when we are feeling “not quite tip-top.”

Here’s what to do!


1. Give yourself the day off

If you work for someone else, take a “sick” or “vacation” day. Edit your to-do list for today, postponing or eliminating any item you don’t truly feel like doing today.

2. Pamper yourself

Start with a warm bath or shower; use scented soap if you have it, and be sure that the water is hot enough to melt away any tension. Give yourself a facial or manicure, if you are so inclined. Dress in your favorite cheerful outfit.
Next, have a delicious, healthful breakfast. Be sure to eat it in the most pleasant spot you can find – for me, this is usually a sunny corner of my living room, or perhaps on the porch. Resolve to eat only healthful, delicious foods for all of today.

3. Devote some time to quiet reflection

Locate yourself to a quiet, pleasant spot – outdoors if weather permits – somewhere where you can sit or lie down comfortably. I suggest a three-part practice:
“Mindfulness is a way to live your life as if it really mattered. And that involves being in the present moment with open-hearted presence and kindness toward yourself.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn
Begin with mindfulness. Quiet your mind. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, take notice of smells (fresh air, fragrant flowers) and sounds (gentle breezes, bird songs). Open your eyes and really take notice of what’s around you. Spend several minutes in this mode – just be.
“It may sound corny, but the research clearly demonstrates that you would be happier if you cultivated an “attitude of gratitude.””— Sonja Lyubomirsky
Next, gratitude. Count your blessings. Simply contemplate each of your objects of gratitude and perhaps also to reflect on why you are grateful and how your life has been enriched.
Finally, practice a short loving-kindness meditation. This is the simple practice of extending feelings of compassion toward people, starting with yourself then branching out to someone close to you, then to an acquaintance, then to someone giving you a hard time, then finally to all beings everywhere. See Greater Happiness in 5 Minutes a Day by Christine Carter for instructions on how to do it.

4. Connect with others

Even if you are not feeling particularly “sociable,” you should know that spending time with happy and positive people has the power to elevate your mood. Here are a few ways to connect with others on your day off:
  • Have a phone chat with a friend.
  • Invite a friend on a “mystery day trip.” Plan a wonderful place for lunch (most important!) and a few interesting places to visit. Map out your route, pick up your friend, and surprise her with a mystery tour!
  • If you really don’t feel like a lot of social interaction, that’s your prerogative. But I would encourage you to at least get out among people in a pleasant place. Offer a smile or a kind word to people you meet.
“Decades of research bear out the basic truth: your mood is elevated and your stress is reduced if you plaster a big smile on your face, even for a short period of time.” — Why Faking a Smile Is a Good Thing

5. Spend your day doing whatever you like, whenever you like

Here are a few general suggestions:
  • Nothing soothes the soul like being in nature.
  • A real happy meal is one that tastes great and makes you feel even better.
  • Just sit and relax!

Monday, 22 September 2014


Tips for being productive


Life and work both get very busy- sometimes we even feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day!  The good news is that everyone can increase the amount of tasks they accomplish in a day.  This is why Samir Becic and his Health Fitness Revolution team has put together a list of 10 tips to help you master your time and be as productive as possible:
  • Live a Balanced, Healthy Life: This is the MOST important aspect of being more productive.  By exercising regularly you will notice you have more energy, more focus, and more ambition.  Part of healthy lifestyle includes getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, eating a nutritious diet, and being physically active.  Being healthy boosts energy levels by 60% within the first two months, which can greatly improve both career and interpersonal relationships.
  • Organize Everything in One Place: Make sure all your appointments, scheduling, and deadlines are in the same place- streamlined.  This can either be a notebook agenda, your phone, or your computer calendar, as long as you make sure it’s all in one master organizing system.
  • Plan your day/ Make a list: You should plan for every day, week and long term. Separate the important and not so important activities and plan to do them accordingly. Set your goals for a day and write down the list of activities to be finished in a certain amount of time.
  • Prioritize: This is a big one! Next to each bullet point item put an A for a must do item of the day, a B for a should do item of the day, and a C for something that could wait if you ran out of time.
  • Do not confuse business with productivity: Oftentimes the most productive people have plenty of time- because they know how to get what is important done! This is how they avoid getting overworked and overwhelmed.
  • Know the difference between urgent and important: Last-minute distractions from yourself and others are not necessarily priorities, so learn how to distinguish what’s most important.
  • Time Management:  experts will say that 80 percent of the importance of what we do in any given day lies in only twenty percent of the activities. This means, if you focus on accomplishing the top twenty percent of the most important tasks, you will feel more productive and satisfied at the end of the day.
  • Use your natural rhythm: Observe yourself for one week and note when you have the most energy and when you start feeling natural lags in energy and motivation.  If you’re most productive in the morning, start knocking out important tasks then.  Schedule tasks that require complex thinking, creativity or interaction for your energetic hours. Fill your natural down times with easier tasks like handling paperwork or organizing your office.
  • Set a timer: For thirty minutes or an hour, set a timer and focus your energy for that amount of time.  Turn off all other distractions for that period of time and just focus on the task at hand- you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in that amount of time.  After the timer goes off, reward yourself with a well-deserved break.
  • Recharge and Refresh with breaks:  A 10 to 15 minute break after a dedicated period of work can help you refresh yourself, recharge your mind and help you be more productive.  You can use this break to eat lunch, meditate, do some light reading, or find some other way to relax for a few minutes. Recharging can help invigorate you and reset your mind to work more efficiently for your next productive period.
  • Don’t Procrastinate:  It’s easy to blame slow computers, distractions, stress, and an array of other factors for not getting work done.  But truly, it’s on you to not procrastinate and maintain a bright outlook in getting things done. You’ll get more done if you focus on solutions and stop wasting time making excuses.

Sunday, 21 September 2014


                                                        HEALTH LIFESTYLE

Do you know how we can have a good health lifestyle?? You can have healthy, glowing skin and strong nails! Of course we can enchance our natural beauty with makeup and other beauty cosmetics, but the best way to create healthy hair and nails is through our life .

Diet plays a huge part in making out hair and nails grow stronger, longer and thicker , as well as making our skin smooth and look younger.

As you guys know, there are many types of food for improving your skin, hair , and nails :
                                                             Water rich fruits.
Such as rockmelon and watermelon help to keep you hydrated making lines less visible. Vitamin C from water rich  fruits aids collagen formation, improving your skin's elasticity.

Water Rich Fruit

Nut high in Omega 3
The essential fatty acid found in foods high in omega 3, such as almonds and walnuts helps to guard against free radicals which cause you to age quicker.

 Nuts high in Omega 3

The protein in chickpeas helps the body produce amini acids essential for tissue growth and repair. Thats mean, your skin will heal scars and scratches faster as well as reducing dark patches of skin.


Salmon is one of the best food sources for omega 3 fatty acids . Salmon also has selenium and vitamin D selenium helps to protect the skin from sun exposure and vitamin D helps to keeps your hair and nails strong.


Tomatoes are one of the highest sources containing anti-aging antioxident lycopene. Lycopene also helps the skin's to protect itself against harmful UV rays , reducing sunburn risk and premature ageing.


As the conclusion, all the kind of food at the above such as salmon, tomatoes, chickpeas, nuts, and water fruit. For our information, health lifesytle is more important to our daily life. If our health is good, we can live happily and enjoy doing our daily life work. So yeah ! Hope you guys enjoy. :D

Saturday, 20 September 2014



Living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge when you are faced with processed foods, lack of time for exercise and going out with friends. Too many options are available for fast food, poor exercise choices and alcoholic beverages that negate other healthier lifestyle choices you may have made. There are significant benefits to improving the way in which you live so you can have a healthier and longer life.

One of the biggest benefits of healthy living is energy. When your body isn't burdened by having to digest food that isn't really food, it gives you ample amounts of energy for other things, such as having fun, enjoying life, running around, and so on.

Another benefit is mood. You can actually turn up your happiness by eating healthier. If you eat nutritionally deficient food, it will affect everything you do from mood to brain function to overall health. 

Now obviously we can't know 100% of the time, and we all have different tastes, but one of the big benefits of healthy living is attractiveness. Your weight, size, height, color doesn't matter, because you are perfect the way you are.

But when you start eating and living healthier, you will become irresistible to the right people, even more so than you were before.

The healthier you become, the more you reduce you risk of ending up in the hospital or with an illness. It's insurance for the future. Cool, isn't it?

When you go into living a healthier lifestyle with the attitude that change is fun (not easy), you will find the journey easier.

For example, one thing you can do is try out green smoothies. And yes, you can make them taste extremely good, and they will give you energy for the whole day. On top of that, they'll fill your body up with nutritional goodness.

Monday, 15 September 2014

The Sumbs @ Shah Alam

Next up: The Sumbs, a cafe whose offerings include creations by Celebrity MasterChef winner Fazley Yaakob.

The Sumbs' gourmet pasta comes with a slice of baby seven-star grouper fillet, lots of veggies, olives & capers, but not a whiff of the truffle oil that it's supposed to be infused with. Still, it's only RM19.

Desserts here seem indecently garish, but they're indisputably unique. 'Milo Dinosaur' macarons & 'kekonuts' (billed as moist cakes wrapped in crispy donuts) could be the closest things to a Frankenstein's monster that a sweets specialist could create.

The Sumbs (For Foodie By Foodie)
Block 7 Persiaran Alami Section 13, Shah Alam
Open Sat-Wed, 12pm-11pm, Thurs 12pm-7pm

Laman Seni 7: Street Art in Shah Alam! #LorongBelakang

  Introducing Laman Seni 7 Street Art (LS7)

Organised by KHZNH Studio, Laman Seni 7 is bigger, grander and more exciting.
How to get there? Drive/ride/walk to any of these landmarks and Laman Seni 7 will be within walking distance: Tutti Fruitti Seksyen 7 Shah Alam, Islamic Steakhouse, Restoran Wong Solo Seksyen 7 Shah Alam.
Once you are at the above landmarks, just walk into a nearly #lorongBelakang and you will be able to spot the murals. If you can’t find any street art and can only see tikus, air longkang or brader potong sayur then you are at a wrong lorong belakang.


 We had the opportunity to check out Laman Seni 7 a few times including during its “work-in-progress” stage and the opening ceremony yesterday, so here are some photos of this cool new attraction in Shah Alam. Photos are in random order.


These are just some of the street art on display at Laman Seni 7. Depends on how detail you are in appreciating art (or photography for that matter), you can easily spend one hour at this new Shah Alam attraction. Bring along your cameras, gopros, smartphones, selfie stick and have a fun and ‘hipster’ time here at Laman Seni 7.

Congratulations to all those involved with this project and let’s hope that this along with the one in section 2 can be maintained for at least five years from now.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Markets in Kuala Lumpur: the Curve’s street market

Whether it’s unearthing a one-off antique or making a fashion find at half the price you’d expect to pay elsewhere, browsing markets can earn excellent dividends. In Kuala Lumpur, the mainstream shopping can get uninteresting fast, with many of the malls carrying the same brands and stores, over and over. For a different experience, head to one of the markets or bazaars that have cropped up across the city in recent years. Check local newspapers to nut out weekend happenings that can sprout up for a short period of time, but a few regulars have now turned into institutions: one of them takes place at The Curve in Mutiara Damansara.

Have you seen the light?
Located in the mall’s open-air pedestrian street, colourful marquees offer a wide assortment of potential gift and specialty items; it’s also a good place to pick up secondhand clothes and one-offs by aspiring designers. Open Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00-22:00 (though the stalls begin to close shop at around 21:15), it’s been running successfully for two years. Stalls come and go as the months go by, but the Curve’s market tends to keep a steady flow of female fashion, accessories, men’s T-shirts, handbags and footwear on sale. Then there’s the occasional odd stall either selling back chair support systems or scorpions for sale as pets.

Rain or shine, get your clothes and handphone covers here.
You may be surprised at what you end up finding: the Curve has had stalls doing nail art, novelty T-shirts, picture frames, creative pop-up gift cards and three-ringgit cupcakes; there’s also usually a stall or two offering original artwork and handmade items by the artists themselves. This isn’t the place to go for antiques though. While the average shoppers are young professionals, there’s a variety of finds appropriate for both sexes and all ages.

Sunglasses seem to be a permanent feature at this weekend market.
Regardless of what you end up trawling for, the street market at the Curve makes for an interesting shopping stop. Especially pleasant are the cool evenings, when the stalls are colourfully lit and vendors offer cheaper last-minute prices.
And if you’re hungry: restaurants and cafes flank either side of the market, offering a wide range of options. For those looking for typical Malaysian food, Teh Tarik Place offers roti canai and various types of nasi (rice dishes) but Peranakan, Indonesian and Japanese restaurants are all located here too.
To get to the street market at the Curve by public transport, hop on the U88 Rapid KL bus from Central Market. Otherwise, the closest LRT stop is Kelana Jaya where you’ll have to transfer to either the U89 Rapid KL bus or take the IKANO free shuttle service. The Curve also provides a free shuttle service from Eastin Hotel and the Royale Bintang Hotel in central Kuala Lumpur. For specific times and schedule, click here.

Chemistry Cafe + Lab @ Shah Alam

Novelty cafes are sweeping across Shah Alam, experimenting with eccentric concepts & eclectic menus. Our research puts three of these conversation-starter outlets under the microscope, beginning with successful guinea-pig Chemistry Cafe + Lab.

A magnet for weekend crowds, this scarcely week-old place buzzes with positive vibes, electrified by a bubbly team of staff members in lab coats. Sure, it's gimmicky, but we won't need a rocket scientist to tell us that wackiness can prove explosive.
Caffeinated beverages with names like Bomb Chiller that come in lab flasks? Yep. Syringes filled with sugar syrup? OK.

Beef pies & basic pastas are currently available, as are all manner of confections, from Victoria sandwiches to blondies.
Chemistry Cafe+Lab
Jalan Kristal J7/J 26 Section 7, Shah Alam
Open 3pm-midnight, closed Mondays

Chemistry Cafe+Lab
Jalan Kristal J7/J 26 Section 7, Shah Alam
Open 3pm-midnight, closed Mondays

Flossing Made Easy with Philips AirFloss

Hands up if you brush, gargle and floss daily! If your response is 'too lazy' or 'no time', the Philips Sonicare AirFloss is perfect for you.

Philips AirFloss makes oral hygiene easier

Removes up to 99% of plaque

Although you brush your teeth twice a day, the bristles cannot get into some hard to reach areas which require flossing. The AirFloss tackles that problem by removing food debris and bacterial plaque which have accumulated between your teeth. People with braces will find this much easier to use compared to normal flossing.

Philips has launched the new Sonicare AirFloss

Based on a survey, 98.3% of Malaysians were in need of oral healthcare D= 94% have gum problems while 7.3% had lost ALL their natural teeth omg

Launch of Philips Airfloss

Even Philips' Country Manager, Mr Muhammad Ali Jaleel admitted that he himself did not floss until he discovered the Philips Sonicare AirFloss. Now he has picked up the habit of flossing regularly as it is so easy and only takes 30 seconds.

Philips Airfloss launch

The product may seem expensive but fixing the problem costs even more. Prevention is better than cure, right? And you would like to keep all your teeth.

Q&A session at Philips AirFloss launch

Convenient, quick and pain-free

You can fill the AirFloss with 1 teaspoon of water or mouthwash. A rapid burst of air and water droplets will shoot out from the tip. Each burst is a fraction of a second so you will be done in under a minute. Each recharge will last about 2 weeks and it's maintenance free.

How to use Philips AirFloss

Point, Press & Clean

It's easy to use even for children although they may need to learn how to position it properly to aim between the teeth. You can buy additional nozzles for your family too.

Philips AirFloss

The Philips Sonicare AirFloss retails for RM 699. More details on