Monday, 15 September 2014

Laman Seni 7: Street Art in Shah Alam! #LorongBelakang

  Introducing Laman Seni 7 Street Art (LS7)

Organised by KHZNH Studio, Laman Seni 7 is bigger, grander and more exciting.
How to get there? Drive/ride/walk to any of these landmarks and Laman Seni 7 will be within walking distance: Tutti Fruitti Seksyen 7 Shah Alam, Islamic Steakhouse, Restoran Wong Solo Seksyen 7 Shah Alam.
Once you are at the above landmarks, just walk into a nearly #lorongBelakang and you will be able to spot the murals. If you can’t find any street art and can only see tikus, air longkang or brader potong sayur then you are at a wrong lorong belakang.


 We had the opportunity to check out Laman Seni 7 a few times including during its “work-in-progress” stage and the opening ceremony yesterday, so here are some photos of this cool new attraction in Shah Alam. Photos are in random order.


These are just some of the street art on display at Laman Seni 7. Depends on how detail you are in appreciating art (or photography for that matter), you can easily spend one hour at this new Shah Alam attraction. Bring along your cameras, gopros, smartphones, selfie stick and have a fun and ‘hipster’ time here at Laman Seni 7.

Congratulations to all those involved with this project and let’s hope that this along with the one in section 2 can be maintained for at least five years from now.

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